Welp I Think I FAILED

I think I failed that dang AP bio exam.

I didn’t study that much and procrastinated a ton, and even the video I posted in my last post didn’t help me that much.

I’m hoping for a 3, but I’m pretty sure I got a 2 or a 1.

I got about 10 pages into my study guide before getting bored, and my teacher said that he didn’t have time to do 1 on 1 sessions so eh.

It’s his job to help me pass the test, so if I fail it’s on him.


What’s everyone up to?

I have to do yet another post for this blog, but I have no AP bio ideas so I’ll just tell you what I’ve been up to.

I’ve been playing a ton of video games and my basketball team is doing pretty well.

We won our last 3 games and the one before that we barely lost because my teammate made a dumb pass.


Anyway, life has been pretty calm so far. I haven’t studied for AP bio yet, but who cares. I have plenty of time and I’m sure the exam is easy either way.

If it ain’t easy, then it’s my professors fault for not teaching me well enough.


My book is here!

Idk if you remember, but a while back I wrote a post about choosing an AP bio book.


The book is here!

I flipped through it and there’s a lot of content and stuff in there. I don’t really wanna do it, but my teacher said he’ll work with me 1 on 1 after school so I can get the grade I need in the class.

I’ll be starting on that book tomorrow I think. Or maybe next week.

We’ll see if I can stall him a little bit. 😀

Welcome to my blog!

Hey guys!

So this blog was created because I was sort of forced to do this by my AP bio teacher. My grade depends on this so here I am. Writing a blog post.

How exciting.

I’ve always thought about starting a blog though so maybe this will be good for me. It should be an interesting experience. Just writing my thoughts down and sharing them with other people who I don’t know.

Anyway, I’ll post some AP Bio related content later on here, but for now, peace!