What am I going to use to study for the AP Bio exam?

So the AP Bio exam is coming up and my teacher is telling me that I should figure out what books I’ll be using to study for the exam.

Why should I use other books if I have a teacher? Isn’t it your job to teach me and make sure I pass?


Anyway, I was going to pick whatever random book came up in a google search, but I stumbled upon this site that goes over like the best AP Biology books and stuff like that so I just said I’ll use the first book on their list.


This is the book I plan on using. I haven’t purchased it yet, but it doesn’t seem too bad and the reviews are good so that’s not too bad.

It has a ton of authors so maybe that’ll help my score? I want to get at least a 4, but I feel like I should be able to do that just with the help of my teacher without having to use a stupid book.

Whatever. Either way, bio isn’t my favorite subject at all. Although if you can’t tell that by my tone of voice then sorry.

Anyway that’s pretty much it for today.

I should write a great ending to this blog post.

